Tuesday, September 8, 2015

How Philosphy became Incest

People are Sheep, Intelligent are Shepards
Yes, Majority of people are sheep who just follow without THINKING.

Hence Religions Flourish in this Land.

When you start thinking, you ask questions. When you stop thinking, You follow the content.

This flaw in humans is being exploited by many intelligents to achieve their goals.
Be it conquering the Land and People.

In Olden days, people conquer through Strength.
Later through Religion
Now though  Misinformation.

Now we all enjoy freedom of speech and thus intelligents give misinformation to achieve their goals.

Below is an example I came upon as how a PHILOSOPHICAL text became INCEST text

I joined this group assuming they are rational and free thinkers. They have posted this content just bcoz its admin saw this content somewhere else. but he haven't verified the actual content.

He just saw that content and OPINIONated as INCEST.
I have gone through the actual content and I see PHILOSPHY.

If someone claim to be an athiest. He should understand the content through skeptism and inspection. Not just believing in it.
The above content is partially correct and well modified to malign the actual content.

Please inspect the Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1:4:1-6 

BTW, The actual content never named the characters with name ie., brahma/saraswathi. i.e., The above content is completely false representation to malign the hinduism.

This chapter speaks from the philosophical angle of evolution where in it started with I.

To those  ignorants who just read and frame their opinions without inspection, I have just reviewed the content of it. and writing below.
Please read and comment if You see INCEST OR PHILOSOPHY?

Below is the actual text from Brhadaranyaka Upanishad 1:4:1-6 

[1] In the beginning, this universe was but self (Viraj) of a human form.
He reflected and found nothing but himself. He first uttered 'I am he'.
Therefore he was called Aham (I). Hence to this day when a person is addressed, he first says "It is I" and then says the other name he may have.
He is called purusa. <snip>

[2] He was afraid, Therefore people are afraid to be alone.
He thought, 'If there is nothing else but me, what am i afraid of?'
From that alone his fear was gone. ..<snip>

[3] He was not at all happy. Therefore people (still) are not happy when alone.
He desired a Mate. He became as big as man and wife embracing each other.
He parted this very body into two. From that came husband and Wife.
He was united with her. From that men were born.

[4] She thought, 'How can he be united with me after producing me from himself? Well, let me hide myself'
She became cow, other became bull and was united with her, from there cows are born
This did he project everything that exists in pairs,down to the ants.

[5] He knew, 'I indeed am the creation, for I projected all this'. Therefore he was called the creation.

[6] Then he rubbed back and forth thus, produced fire from its source,
the mouth and the hands. Therefore both are without hair at the inside.
When they talk of particular gods saying 'Sacrifice to him', 'sacrifice to other'
They are wrong, since there are all his projection. For he is all the gods.

[7] This (universe) was then undifferentiated.
It differentiated only into name and form.
This self has entered into these bodies up to the tip of the nails. ..<snip>
people donot see it, for it is incomplete. When it does the function of living, It is called vital force.
When it speaks, the organ of speech; when it sees, the eye;
when it hears, the ear, When it thinks, the mind.
These are merely its names according to its functions.
He who meditates upon each of this totality of aspects doesn not know that it is incomplete.
The self alone is to be meditated upon, for all these are unified in it.

[8] This Self is dearer than son, dearer than wealth, dearer than everything

Please read and comment if You see INCEST OR PHILOSOPHY?


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